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Tsukamoto, T.,† Mizutani, K.,† Hasegawa, T., Takahashi, M., Honda, N., Hashimoto,N., Shimono, K., Yamashita, Y., Yamamoto, M., Miyauchi, S., Takagi, S., Hayashi, S., *Murata, T., & *Sudo, Y. (†equal contribution)
"X-ray crystallographic structure of thermophilic rhodopsin: implications for high thermal stability and optogenetic function" <2016/04/18>
(2016) J. Biol. Chem.. 291, 12223-12232.【link】
*Sudo, Y., & *Yoshizawa, S.
"Functional and photochemical characterization of a light-driven proton pump from the gammaproteobacterium Pantoea vagans" <2016/02/15>
(2016) Photochem.Photobiol. 92, 420-427.【link】
*Sakamoto, A., Tsukamoto, T., Furutani, Y., Sudo, Y., Shimada, K., Tomita, A.,Kiyoi,H., Kato, T., & Funatsu, T.
"Live-cell single-molecule imaging of the cytokine receptor MPL for analysis of dynamic dimerization" <2016/03/24>
(2016) J. Mol. Cell Biol. in press 【link】
*Dalgleish, S., *Reissig, L., Sudo, Y., *Awaga, K.
"On-Tip photodetection: A simple and universal platform for optoelectronic screening" <2015/09/16>
(2015) Chem. Commun. 51, 16401-16404.【link】
(Collaboration with Prof. Kunio Awaga, Nagoya University)
Doi, S., Mori, A., Tsukamoto, T., Reissig, L., Ihara, K., *Sudo, Y.
"Structural and functional roles of the N- and C-terminal extended modules in Channelrhodopsin-1" <2015/06/04>
(2015) Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 14, 1628-1636.【link】
(By an undergraduate studen, Satoko Doi)
*Dalgleish, S., Reissig, L., Hu, L., Matsushita, M.M., Sudo, Y., *Awaga, K.
"Factors affecting the stability and performance of ionic liquid-based planar transient photodetectors" <2015/04/20>
(2015) Langmuir 31, 5235-5243.【link】
Kato, H.E., Kamiya, M., Sugo, S., Ito, J., Taniguchi, R., Orito, A., Hirata, K., Inutsuka, A., Yamanaka, A., Maturana, A.D., Ishitani, R., Sudo, Y., *Hayashi, S., *Nureki, O.
"Atomistic design of microbial opsin-based blue-shifted optogenetics tools" <2015/04/14>
(2015) Nat. Commun.6, no. 7177:doi:10.1038/ncomms8177.【link】
(Collaboration with Prof. Osamu Nureki, the University of Tokyo and with Prof. Shigehiko Hayashi, Kyoto university)
【Nature Japan】
Sada, N., Lee, S., Katsu, T., Otsuki, T., *Inoue, T.
"Targeting LDH enzymes with a stiripentol analog to treat epilepsy" <2015/03/20>
(2015) Science 347, 1362-1367.
Inoue, K., Tsukamoto, T., Shimono, K., Suzuki, Y., Miyauchi, S., Hayashi, S., Kandori, H., *Sudo, Y.
"Converting a light-driven proton pump into a light-gated proton channel" <2015/02/11>
(2015) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 3291-3299. 【link】
(Collaboration with Prof. Hideki Kandori, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
(2016)Hikarito Seimeino Jiten [in Japanese] 372-373. 【link】
"Structural and Functional Studies on Photoactive Retinal Proteins : Light Becomes Drugs with Proteins !? "
"Microbial rhodopsins: Wide distribution, rich diversity and great potential"<2015/11/13>
(2015)Biophys. Physicobiol. 12, 121-129. 【link】
Katayama, K., Sekharan, S., *Sudo, Y.
"Color tuning in retinylidene proteins" <2015/01/21>
(2015)Optogenetics: Light-Sensing Proteins and Their Applications, Chapter 7, pp. 89-107.【link】
Tsukamoto, T., Sudo, Y.
"Retinal proteins from thermophilic organisms" <2015/01/15>
(2015)SEIBUTSUBUTSURI [in Japanese], 92-94.【link】
Doi, S., Sudo, Y.
"Diversity and distribution of retinal proteins which have vitamine-A aldehyde retinal as a chromophore" <2015/02/01>
(2015)VITAMINE [in Japanese], 83-86. 【link】
The 7th Asia and Oceania Conference for Photobiology(AOCP at Taipei)【link】<2015/11/18>
Japanese society of photochemistry @Osaka【link】<2015/09/09>
The 55th summer school of biophysical society of Japan @Biwako 【link】 <2015/08/23-24>
Advanced photo science meeting @Tokyo <2015/06/14>
The 134th annual meeting of pharmaceutical society of Japan @Kobe <2015/03/27>
Seminar at the Kobe pharmaceutical university <2015/02/20>
The 3rd conference on Biomaterials in Chyu-shikoku @Okayama <2015/01/28>
Labo trip <2015/09/04>
Workshop by "Studying the Function of Soft Molecular Systems by the Concerted Use of Theory and Experiment" @Setouchi <2015/01/24-25>【link】
Yuki Sudo [E-mail]