Okayama University


The Dean’s Welcome Message

Understanding “medicines” through the science of health and disease

Thank you for your visit to our website.


The faculty consists of the Division of Pharmacy (6-year course) and Pharmaceutical Sciences (4-year course). In both Divisions, the focus of study is on “medicines.
To know, create, and handle “medicines,” it is important to study not only illness (disease) but also health.
Also, our faculty studies the effects of all the chemicals (food ingredients, food additives, environmental chemicals, etc.) taken into the body.
The ability to conduct “science” (research) from a wide, deep, and diverse range of perspectives is required to solve various health problems, pathological conditions, and the environment.


Today, big tech companies, including GAFAM, are focusing their efforts on developing new drugs using artificial intelligence (AI).
The development methods of “medicines” have changed drastically with time.
To gain knowledge about studies (research) that utilize various types of data, our department has recently opened laboratories specializing in data science, creating an environment that fosters a variety of researchers.
Furthermore, while deepening cooperation with hospital pharmacy departments to promote clinical research, we are also promoting involvement with the government or pharmacies and are actively encouraging collaborative research systems at all sites where pharmacists are active.


We are promoting the above efforts, so if you are interested, please come to our open campus and open lectures (WEB). We welcome many students who are interested in life sciences in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


Takashi UEHARA